This is a pic of grandfather and four grandsons from west Africa
So, the 4 Khulufa ar-Rashidin have all been historically described as BLACK MEN...but y'all still believing the lies! Wake up!
1.] Abu Bakr was the first of the Rashidun and Rightly Guided Khalifs to succeed the Prophet Muhammad. He was a pure Arab from the Taym clan of the Quraysh tribe, the Prophet Muhammad's tribe. What did he look like?
Al-Masudi reports in his Tanbih wa al-ashraf:
وكان طوالاً آدم
"He (Abu Bakr) was tall and black-skinned"
وفدت إلى أبي بكر مع أبي فدخلنا عليه في مرضه الذي مات فيه فرأيته رجلا أسمر خفيف اللحم
"I and my father came in a group to Abu Bakr and we entered in upon him in his sickness, that which he died in and I saw him as a black skinned man who was of a thin frame."
2.] Umar ibn al-Khattab was the second Rashidun Khalif, an Arab from the Banu Adi. What did he look like?
Yusef b. Al-Zaki said in his Tahdhib al-Kamal:
كان عمر طوالاً، أصلع، أقبل، شديد الأدمة
“Umar was tall, bald…very black”
3.] Uthman ibn Affan was the third of the Rashidun Khalifs. He was from the Banu Umayya of the Quraysh tribe. What did he look like?
عثمان بن عفان رضي الله عنه : كان رجلا ليس بالطويل ولا بالقصير، حسن الوجه، رقيق البشرة، بوجهه أثر جدري، كبير اللحية، عظيمها، أسمر اللون،
“Uthman ibn Affan was not tall or short, handsome face, soft skin, with prostration mark on the forehead, big beard, dark brown (asmar) colored.”
4.] Ali ibn Abi Talib was the fourth of the Rashidun Khalifs, the first cousin of the Prophet from the Banu Hashim of the Quraysh tribe. What did he look like?
Al-Suyouti says in his Tarikh Al-Khulafa:
و كان علي شيخا سمينا أصلع كثير الشعر ربعة إلى القصر عظيم البطن عظيم اللحية جدا قد ملأت ما بين منكبيه بيضاء كأنها قطن آدم شديد الأدمة
"Ali was a heavyset, bald, hairy man of average height which leaned toward shortness. He had a large stomach and a large beard which filled all that was between his shoulders. His beard was white as if it was cotton and he was a very black-skinned man (adam, shadid al-udma)."