Sunday, January 16, 2011

Etiquette of Walking and Riding in Islam


As Muslims, we believe Islam is a complete way of life, providing a foundation and framework for all its aspects. In a time when increasing emphasis is being placed upon physical fitness and recreation, we should know how to maximize our benefit from these pursuits in accordance with our Islamic values.

We have many examples from the time of the Prophet during which the companions participated in many different forms of lawful entertainment and play. They engaged in sports like footraces, horseracing, wrestling, and archery. They spent time telling jokes and in lighthearted conversation.

Narrated Uqbah ibn Amir:

I heard the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) say: Allah, Most High, will cause three persons to enter Paradise for one arrow: the maker when he has a good motive in making it, the one who shoots it, and the one who hands it; so shoot and ride, but your shooting is dearer to me than your riding. Everything with which a man amuses himself is vain except three (things): a man's training of his horse, his playing with his wife, and his shooting with his bow and arrow. If anyone abandons archery after becoming an adept through distaste for it, it is a blessing he has abandoned; or he said: for which he has been ungrateful.
Abu Dawud: Book Number: 14, Hadith Number: 2507

Archery for Beginners : Components of Olympic Style Bow & Arrow

It is not common knowledge within Muslim and non-Muslim circles that the practice of archery was highly encouraged by the Prophet of Islam. For hundreds of years fathers had mentored sons in this art, heeding the words of their Prophet who asked his followers to “Teach your sons the shooting of arrows”. Sadly within the last 100 years the Islamic traditions of archery have slowly disappeared.
“Learn the casting of arrows and do no be averse to it, for the area between the two targets holds a garden of the gardens of paradise.” The Prophet Muhammad


Q: Recently there have been many armed robberies and many people have been instantly killed. Kindly explain the Shar’ee ruling pertaining to giving Ghusl and Kafn to such people.

A: There are two categories of Shaheed; a) Considered a Shaheed in this world as well as in the hereafter, b) Considered a Shaheed only in the hereafter and not in this world.

Being considered a Shaheed in this world as well is in respect to the rules pertaining to Ghusl, Kafan, Janaaza, etc. and being considered a Shaheed only in the hereafter refers to the great rewards and lofty positions promised by Allah Ta’ala for a Shaheed.

A Shaheed of the first category refers to an adult Muslim (male or female), free from any impurity that necessitates Ghusl, for example, Haydh, Nifaas, Janaabat, etc. who was killed instantly in a Shar’ee Jihaad or was killed unjustly. If a person was attacked and shot at point blank range and died instantly without benefiting from any worldly cause (medication, food, drink, etc.) then he/she will be regarded as a Shaheed in his burial proceedings. (Raddul Mukhtaar vol.2 pg.250; HM Saeed).

The instrument used to kill the person (gun, knife, etc.) does not make a difference. (Tahtaawi pg.344; Qadeemi).

A worldly Shaheed will be buried without giving him/her Ghusl and without clothing him/her in burial clothes (Kafan). His/her excess clothing (jacket, jersey, etc.) and other personal little items such as weapons, money, wallet, etc. will be removed and included in his inheritance. Only Janaaza Salaat will be performed.

If a person was found dead and it is unknown who killed him, then this person will not be regarded as a Shaheed of the first type since it cannot be established as to whether he was killed unjustly or not. If the person did not die instantly but instead, he lived on even for a few minutes, and was able to attain some type of worldly benefit from this world (medication, food, drink, etc.), then he/she will not be included in this first type.

The second type of Shaheed will be treated like a normal deceased person. He/she will be given Ghusl and be clothed in the Sunnat Kafan after which the Janaza Salaat will be performed. However, such a Shaheed will be rewarded by Allah Ta’ala. Examples of this type of Shaheed are many, some of which are; a person who drowns, a person who dies in a plague, a person who passes away due to an illness of the stomach, a woman who passes away due to child birth, a person who passes away in a motor car accident, etc.

Source: everymuslim

Du’as for Getting Married
By Mufti Shafiq Jakhura

Q. .  I am unmarried and facing great difficulty in getting married. Very few proposals come due to my increased age and no progress is seen. I request you to suggest me the Qur’anic ayat or any other Islamic adhkar for getting good proposals and to get married soon. 

A.May Allah (SWT) ease all your difficulties and grant you a pious and righteous spouse. My sincere advice to you in the meantime is as follows:
1. Perform Salat-ul Hajat and ask Allah (SWT) to grant you a pious compatible husband.
2. Do not pay attention to the questions of people and do not allow yourself to become overwhelmed by their comments and questions.
3. Ponder over the fact that this worldly life is temporary, and in fact very short. Our real objective in life is the worship of Allah (SWT). Hence, whilst you have the opportunity to engage in a lot of Ibadat, use this time profitably rather than spending it in disappointment and depression. You will Inshallah find the great sweetness Allah (SWT) has kept in His worship.
4. Ponder over the fact that Allah (SWT) has mentioned in the Holy Qur’an that He is sufficient for his servants.
5. Recite 'Ya Jaami'u' in abundance. You may also recite
رَبِّ إِنِّي لِمَا أَنزَلْتَ إِلَيَّ مِنْ خَيْرٍ فَقِيرٌ 
"Rabbi Innee Limaa Anzalta illayya min Khairin Faqeer"  [28:24]
(translation: "O' my Rabb, Verily I am most in need of any good that You might bestow on me."). 
Recite it seven times after every salah with Durood Shareef (Salat Ibrahimiya) thrice at the beginning and end.
6. Endeavour to speak to pious influential and understanding people within your family to assist you in this regard.
7. Always maintain the respect of your parents.
8. Keep yourself occupied and do not allow your mind to remain idle.
May Allah (SWT) grant you a compatible pious husband.