Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Hereafter- Ma’ad


No Other Source of Knowledge Except Revelation
The root of 'Ma'aad' is 'Aud' which means to return or to come back. As on the Day of Resurrection souls will be made to return to their bodies, it is called Ma'aad.
'Ma'aad' is one of the principles of the Holy religion of Islam and to have faith in it is absolutely essential or obligatory and it is that everyone will, after his death, become alive again and will get reward or punishment according to his belief and deeds.
'Ma'aad' which begins with death and then passes through grave and then Barzakh and then Qiyamat-e-Kubra (the great resurrection) and ends with either paradise or hell cannot be comprehended by the apparent senses and even though the occurring of the original 'Ma'aad' or Resurrection is proved by logic or brain (the details of which will be discussed later on), it is impossible for one to ponder in solitude over it and to understand what will happen after death, and through which stages one will have to pass. For understanding this, there is no way except to rely on and take help from Revelation because man wherever he is, his power of understanding cannot cross the limits of his world. For example, it is impossible for a baby in the womb to get the idea of the outside world and to fathom its vastness. Similarly it is also beyond his powers to understand the endlessness of the space and to know about the things therein. Likewise, the man who lives in this world like a captive of matter and nature cannot have the ability to understand the Aalam-e-Malakoot (the world of angels and spirits) which is hidden from him. To reach that state will be possible only after getting freedom from this material world. In short, a man who is living in this material world, can never be able to know the details of the world after death, unless he puts faith and trust in the truths made known by the Creator of this Universe.

The Hereafter- Ma’ad