Saturday, January 29, 2011

"Revolutionary war" and "Revolt"

A revolution (from the Latin revolutio, "a turn around") is a fundamental change in power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time: wikipedia
Revolutions have occurred through human history and vary widely in terms of methods, duration, and motivating ideology. Their results include major changes in culture, economy, and socio-political institutions.

A protest expresses a strong reaction of events or situations. The term protest usually now implies a reaction against something, while previously it could also mean a reaction for something. Protesters may organize a protest as a way of publicly and forcefully making their opinions heard in an attempt to influence public opinion or government policy, or may undertake direct action in an attempt to directly enact desired changes themselves.

So, what are the people in the middle east  protesting about?
Many Westerners are busy encouraging instant popular revolt in Egypt this evening as they did in Tunisia recently and as they may well do in Yemen tomorrow, but I suspect that some of them have forgotten their history lessons.
Question: When was the last time that the people of a Muslim country rose up to demand more "democracy" and the departure of its rulers? Answer: In 1979, and it happened in Iran.
Theocracy vs. Democracy

Democracy is a political form of government in which governing power is derived from the people, by consensus (consensus democracy), by direct referendum (direct democracy), or by means of elected representatives of the people (representative democracy)

Theocracy is a form of government in which a state is understood as governed by immediate divine guidance especially a state ruled by clergy, or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided.


The political system of Islam is based on three principles:
Tawhid (unity of Allah), Risalat (Prophethood) and Khilafat (vicegerency).

Tawhid means that only Allah is the Creator, Sustainer and Master of the universe and of all that exists in it, organic or inorganic. The sovereignty of this kingdom is vested only in Him. He alone has the right to command or forbid. Worship and obedience are due to Him alone, no one and nothing else shares it in any way. Life, in all its forms, our physical organs and faculties, the apparent control which we have over nearly everything in our lives and the things themselves, none of them has been created or acquired by us in our own right.

 They have been bestowed on us entirely by Allah!

This principle of the unity of Allah totally negates the concept of the legal and political independence of human beings, individually or collectively. No individual, family, class or race can set themselves above Allah.

Allah alone is the Ruler and His commandments are the Law.

The medium through which we receive the law of Allah is known as Risalat

Now consider Khilafat. According to the Arabic lexicon, it means ‘representation’. Man, according to Islam, is the representative of Allah on earth, His vicegerent. That is to say, by virtue of the powers delegated to him by Allah, he is required to exercise his Allah-given authority in this world within the limits prescribed by Allah.

The above explanation of the term Khilafat also makes it abundantly clear that no individual or dynasty or class can be Khilafah, but that the authority of caliphate is bestowed on any community which accepts the principles of Tawhid and Risalat. In such a society, each individual shares the Allah-given caliphate. This is the point where democracy begins in Islam

What distinguishes Islamic democracy from Western democracy is that while the latter is based on the concept of popular sovereignty the former rests on the principle of popular Khilafat. In Western democracy the people are sovereign, in Islam sovereignty is vested in Allah and the people are His caliphs or representatives.

In the former the people make their own laws; in the latter they have to follow and obey the laws (Shariah) given by Allah through His Prophet. In one the Government undertakes to fulfil the will of the people; in the other Government and the people alike have to do the will of Allah.

Western democracy is a kind of absolute authority which exercises its powers in a free and uncontrolled manner, whereas Islamic democracy is subservient to the Divine Law and exercises its authority in accordance with the injunctions of Allah and within the limits prescribed by Him.

Now back to these protest that can led to a revolution, I ask the question again what do the people want?  I know there is wide spread poverty, lack of oportunity and wide spread oppression. I think people just want change and a chance at human dignity, weather Muslim or Christian, no one in the world want's to live a life of oppression.

Allah tells us that oppression in some cases is worst than death!

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