The Levels Of The People in the Hereafte
So these are the levels of the people, and their ranks in the Abode of the Hereafter, as mentioned by Ibnul Qayyim rahimullah, and they are eighteen in number.
The highest level is that of the Messengers, may Allah extol and grant them perfect peace and security: and they are of three levels, the highest of them being:
1) ‘Those firmest in resolve’ (Oolul-’Azm): Nooh, Ibraheem, Moosa, ‘Eesa and Muhammad, may Allah extoll and grant them perfect peace and security ameen, then;
2) Those besides them from the Messengers (Rusul) then;
3) The Prophets (al-Anbiyaa), those who were not sent as Messengers their nations;and then;
4) The truest and sincerest followers of the Messengers (as-Siddeeqoon)- the inheritors of the Messenges, those who established what the Messengers had been sent with, in their knowledge, actions and in calling to Allaah, then;
5) The just Emaams and Rulers, then;
6) Those who strove and fought Jihaad in Allaah’s cause, with their wealth and their persons, then;
7) Those who preferred others over themselves, treated the people with goodness and performed charitable acts, then;
Those for whom Allaah opened a door to performance of good which was restricted to themselves such as Prayer, Charity, Fasting, Hajj and so on, then;
9) The level of the people of salvation, and they were those who carried out Allaah’s obligations and avoided that which He prohibited, then;
10) The level of a people who wronged themselves and commited major sins forbidden by Allaah; however Allaah granted them sincere repentance before death. So they died upon sincere repentance, so Allaah accepted their repentance, then;
11) The level of a people who combined righteous deeds and evil deeds, meeting Allaah whilst persisting upon their sins and not repentant. However their good deeds outweighed their evil deeds: the balance of the good they did being heavier. So they are also saved and successful, then;
12) A people whose good and evil deeds were equal, and they are the companions of the Heights (al-A’raaf)-which is a place between the Paradise and the Hellfire; and they will eventually enter Paradise, then;
13) The level of those who were afflicted and put to tahaadeeth trial-we ask Allaah for well being and security, and they were Muslims whose scales were light: their evil deeds outweighed their good deeds.
There are ahaadeeth concerning them showing that they will enter the Fire and will be in it in accordance with their deeds; and then they will come out of it through the intercession of those who intercede and the Mercy of the Most Merciful of those who show mercy, then;
14) A people who had no acts of obedience or disobedience, nor Unbelief, nor true Faith (Eemaan), and they are of different types; from them are those who the true call did not reach; and from them is the insane person who did not possess intellect; and from them is the deaf person who never heard anything; and from them are the children of the Mushriks who died before being able to correctly discern anything. So the scholars differ concerning them, having eight positions.
The most correct of these is that they will be tested on the Day of Ressurrection, and a Messenger will be sent to them there:
whoever obeys him will enter Paradise and whoever disobeys him will enter Hellfire. Because Allaah does not punish anyone until the Proof is established upon him and he then turns away from it and obstinately refuses it, just as He, the Most High said:
“And We do not punish until We send a Messenger.” (Surah al-Israa 17:15)
15) The level of the Hypocrites (al-Munafiqoon) who outwardly displayed Islaam but inwardly concealed Unbelief (Kufr), and they are in the lowest depth of the Fire, then;
16) The heads of Unbelief (Kufr), its leaders and its callers, then;
17) The level of those Unbelievers who were blind-followers and ignorant ones, and the Ummah are agreed that they are Unbelievers, and lastly;
18) The level of Jinn, and they were bound with duties-liale to reward of punishment in accordance with their deeds, just as Allaah, the Most High, said:
“And for all there will be degrees in accordance with what they did, so that He may fully recompense them for their deeds, and they wil not be wronged.” (Surah-Ahqaaf 46:19)
From ‘The Abridgment of the Levels Of The People in the Hereafter’
By Ibnul Qayyim Rahimullah
The highest level is that of the Messengers, may Allah extol and grant them perfect peace and security: and they are of three levels, the highest of them being:
1) ‘Those firmest in resolve’ (Oolul-’Azm): Nooh, Ibraheem, Moosa, ‘Eesa and Muhammad, may Allah extoll and grant them perfect peace and security ameen, then;
2) Those besides them from the Messengers (Rusul) then;
3) The Prophets (al-Anbiyaa), those who were not sent as Messengers their nations;and then;
4) The truest and sincerest followers of the Messengers (as-Siddeeqoon)- the inheritors of the Messenges, those who established what the Messengers had been sent with, in their knowledge, actions and in calling to Allaah, then;
5) The just Emaams and Rulers, then;
6) Those who strove and fought Jihaad in Allaah’s cause, with their wealth and their persons, then;
7) Those who preferred others over themselves, treated the people with goodness and performed charitable acts, then;
9) The level of the people of salvation, and they were those who carried out Allaah’s obligations and avoided that which He prohibited, then;
10) The level of a people who wronged themselves and commited major sins forbidden by Allaah; however Allaah granted them sincere repentance before death. So they died upon sincere repentance, so Allaah accepted their repentance, then;
11) The level of a people who combined righteous deeds and evil deeds, meeting Allaah whilst persisting upon their sins and not repentant. However their good deeds outweighed their evil deeds: the balance of the good they did being heavier. So they are also saved and successful, then;
12) A people whose good and evil deeds were equal, and they are the companions of the Heights (al-A’raaf)-which is a place between the Paradise and the Hellfire; and they will eventually enter Paradise, then;
13) The level of those who were afflicted and put to tahaadeeth trial-we ask Allaah for well being and security, and they were Muslims whose scales were light: their evil deeds outweighed their good deeds.
There are ahaadeeth concerning them showing that they will enter the Fire and will be in it in accordance with their deeds; and then they will come out of it through the intercession of those who intercede and the Mercy of the Most Merciful of those who show mercy, then;
14) A people who had no acts of obedience or disobedience, nor Unbelief, nor true Faith (Eemaan), and they are of different types; from them are those who the true call did not reach; and from them is the insane person who did not possess intellect; and from them is the deaf person who never heard anything; and from them are the children of the Mushriks who died before being able to correctly discern anything. So the scholars differ concerning them, having eight positions.
The most correct of these is that they will be tested on the Day of Ressurrection, and a Messenger will be sent to them there:
whoever obeys him will enter Paradise and whoever disobeys him will enter Hellfire. Because Allaah does not punish anyone until the Proof is established upon him and he then turns away from it and obstinately refuses it, just as He, the Most High said:
“And We do not punish until We send a Messenger.” (Surah al-Israa 17:15)
15) The level of the Hypocrites (al-Munafiqoon) who outwardly displayed Islaam but inwardly concealed Unbelief (Kufr), and they are in the lowest depth of the Fire, then;
16) The heads of Unbelief (Kufr), its leaders and its callers, then;
17) The level of those Unbelievers who were blind-followers and ignorant ones, and the Ummah are agreed that they are Unbelievers, and lastly;
18) The level of Jinn, and they were bound with duties-liale to reward of punishment in accordance with their deeds, just as Allaah, the Most High, said:
“And for all there will be degrees in accordance with what they did, so that He may fully recompense them for their deeds, and they wil not be wronged.” (Surah-Ahqaaf 46:19)
From ‘The Abridgment of the Levels Of The People in the Hereafter’
By Ibnul Qayyim Rahimullah
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