Saturday, December 25, 2010

Islamic View of End Time Events

There are many references in Islamic literature to End Times events. Most of these are in the hadiths of Muhammad (saws), which are the written-down sayings that his followers recorded of his conversations with them.

The below refer to a prediction Muhammad (saws) made of catastrophic times to come when the earth would cease to spin, followed by the sun rising in the west.

Gregg Braden and others have written about this possibility, describing the earth's molten layers of metal creating a magnetic field. This magnetic field, which is weakening anyway, could be disrupted and reversed by the sun's activity, including violent solar storms and coronal mass ejections.

A planetary object passing within our solar system could cause just such a disruption and even be a factor in the re-starting of our planet's spin, only in the opposite direction.

All rather speculative, but further clues not to be ignored in the search foe a viable prognosis regarding Planet X's effects.

From Wikipedia:
"In the text, Signs of Qiyamah, Muhammad Ali Ibn Zubair Ali states that after the arrival of the Enlightened One, Imam Mahdi, "the ground will cave in, fog or smoke will cover the skies for forty days (ayah). A night three nights long will follow the fog. After the night of three nights, the sun will rise in the west."

Regarding the cause of the smoke, another hadith predicts a worldwide fire.

"People will be enfolded in that fire with terrible suffering. That fire will burn and destroy people and belongings. For eight days it will rage over the world like wind and cloud. The heat of night will be fiercer than that of day. That fire will stretch from the heads of man to the highest heavens, and there will be a terrible noise like thunder between the earth and sky,  #247

"The earth's rotation will eventually come to a full stop and revert itself, at which point the sun will rise from the West. This, too, was predicted by the Prophet Muhammad- upon him peace - in those same terms. Al-Bukhari and Muslim narrate from Abu Hurayra - Allah be well-pleased with him - that the Prophet Muhammad (saws) said:

The final hour will not begin until the sun rises from its point of setting. When the sun rises from the West and the people see that, they will all believe. However, at that time, {its belief avails naught a soul which theretofore believed not} (6:158).

"The Prophet Muhammad - upon him peace - gave further confirmation of this sequence of events in another hadith. When Hudhayfa - Allah be well-pleased with him - asked what the immediate sign of the Western sunrise would be, the Prophet MHMD (saws) replied that it would be preceded by an inordinately long night, lasting two or three times more than normal."


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